Residential care

The direction of work in the home for the elderly Pegazov dom essentially tends to a psychosocial concept that prioritises mutual relations and social responsibility towards people. Small home groups function according to the "big family" system, which brings many advantages. Each group has its own kitchen, dining room and living room, its own name, form of socializing and activities. The residents get easily accustomed to the new environment and socializing is more authentic. There is a great interconnectivity and care for room mates, while celebrations of birthdays and other holidays are shared. The residents are encouraged to participate in planning the activities, preparing menus, doing housework and other chores in the common area, all with the aim to maintain their physical and mental abilities as long as possible.
The residents can arrange their rooms by choice as much as possible, with their own furniture, photographs and flowers. Because the groups are small, individual habits and needs can be greatly considered, while paying special attention to mutual respect, kindness and pleasant atmosphere. 

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